a philosophy of rest


The philosophy of rest is the concept that rest is essential for our health. We get it, life demands a lot from each of us, and often sleep is not enough of a recharge. Intentional rest and reflection is necessary for our body and mind to recover from the daily deluge of physical and mental exertion. It restores us to balance, gets us in harmony with our life, and taps us into our creative flow state. That state is the key to discovering our true nature.

Restore Your Nature encourages you to take time out of your busy life to slow down. Our rest services are rooted in ancient tradition and backed by neuroscience. We offer yoga, massage, workshops and more: all to guide you in your slow life practices to tune to nature’s rhythm.  

Rest is a philosophy within nature itself.

It is the stillness of a lake, the serenity of a star filled night, and the quiet of a snow covered field. Rest is within the cycles of the natural world - sometimes we need to be reminded that we belong to the world and are connected to those cycles. Rest is a reminder that we are a part of a larger, interconnected universe. When you Restore Your Nature, you are able to flow through life with elegance, purpose, and joy.

Ready to Restore Your Nature?




Join me for a bespoke wellness experiences incorporating hatha or vinyasa, yin or restorative yoga, yoga nidra, meditations and breath work. Bring focused attention in a private class, bring me into your organization for regular lunch time classes, or hire me to teach at your event or retreat.



Indian Head Massage, or Shirobhyanga, is form of Ayurvedic therapy from India. Over 5,000 years old, this nurturing treatment reinvigorates, promotes longevity and stimulates overall wellness. It returns us to our balanced center by renewing our energy and relieving built up stress.

“It's one thing to be aware, to be present, to be able to listen, but it's a whole other ballgame to be able to communicate, to transmit in a way which is meaningful, poetic, both elevated and incredibly down-to-earth. Niki does this both as a trusted friend and as a teacher. “

— Silke Schroeder


It’s beautiful to find you here. I am your wellness guide and founder of Restore Your Nature. It’s in nature that I feel I return to my best self. Whenever I am feeling like I need to clear my head, a meandering stroll through the forest, or a beach combing session at the beach will bring me back to centre. Something about being slow and curious taps me into nature and that taps me into the bigger picture.

A university trained actress, singer & dancer, the artist’s path was what I set out on. Along the way, through unexpected illnesses and injury, life kept hinting that slowing down was the answer to optimal health.

Artists are the rebels, the mystics, and those who aren’t satisfied with the status quo….so naturally, I was drawn to Yoga & Ayurveda. These practices have helped me so much in supporting my nervous system, so I am deeply passionate about offering them in support of your wellness.

Alternative? Maybe. Ancient? Yup. Backed by neuroscience? You betcha!

It’s the blending of traditional wisdom and tested science that creates a unified wellness practice. I believe that like the tides, our energy naturally ebbs and I’m here to help you step back into your flow.